TOURÉ ROBERTS | Bouncing Back After Loss

Описание к видео TOURÉ ROBERTS | Bouncing Back After Loss

With the seasonality of life comes seasons that we would never choose. Many of our painful moments tend to resolve on their own over time, but the blow of losing those who we hold dear is one that never fully goes away.

In a heart-string pulling conversation that’s relatable to anyone who’s ever experienced loss, Touré Roberts and Dee Dee McDonald delve into the ongoing epic of life, healthy grief-management, and rediscovering your equilibrium after devastation. They discuss tools from BALANCE that are available to help navigate through life’s biggest blows, and the baby steps we can take to regain our rhythm after suffering devastating loss.

While we can’t stop the blows of life from coming, Dee Dee’s bravery and commitment to pushing through her pain is a reminder that we can balance grief with gratitude. And, if we hang in there, as challenging as that may be, we will step into the brighter days that lie ahead and rediscover balance after the blow.

Check out the full video of Touré's conversation with Dee Dee and share it with a friend who could use the encouragement!

BALANCE the new book from Touré Roberts (author of Wholeness and Purpose Awakening) is available NOW at

@TouréRoberts #TheBalanceBook


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