Kobe Bryant - When He's on Fire (2012)

Описание к видео Kobe Bryant - When He's on Fire (2012)


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Here is the official release for my latest film. I originally planned to release it on my birthday on the 22nd this Wednesday, but once I saw the final render I just couldn't resist myself.

The Film:
A showcase of Kobe's defining moments in the clutch whereby he seemingly operates in another realm or "zone".

Starting in mid-January or so, this took me roughly a month to complete. And I can safely say that I am proud of this work and hope that all of you will be awe-inspired by the film. As always fans, ENJOY

Follow me on tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/danielcust...
& on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/user1930087

© Vidicus Film, 2012
The Auteur : Daniel Custard AKA ibSprintin


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