Utter Nutter Flight - Ultimate High

Описание к видео Utter Nutter Flight - Ultimate High

The Utter Nutter flight by Ultimate High. THE BIG FIVE EXTREME MANOEUVRES?
1. Cravat
Your introduction to the world of gyroscopics. A vertical twisting manoeuvre so named because it resembles the instructions used to teach people how to do up a bow tie. A fantastic introduction to what the Extra 300 can do in a good pilots hands.
2. Inverted loop
The Extra has a symmetrical wing and so everything that can be done the right way up can also be done upside down! For this the aeroplane is rolled upside down in level flight, and then ‘pushed’ at -3G to fly an outside or inverted loop. Negative G is something to get used to.
3. Ruade
One of the most dramatic of all the gyroscopic figures and used to great effect at Airshows. At high speed, the Extra is pulled up to 45 degrees, rolled onto its side in knife edge flight, and then ‘tumbled tail over nose! Ruade is a French word used to describe the huge kick from the hind leg of a horse. This is crazy!! The tumbling is awesome.
4. Inverted push-up to Lomcevak
From upside down flight, the Extra is pushed upwards onto the 45degree inverted upline and then ‘kicked’ into a Lomcevak tumble. The name allegedly comes from a Czech word describing the motion of a drunken man! The start is a bit tough but the tumbling is wonderful.
5. Mulleroid
Invented by World Aerobatic Champion Eric Mueller, this incredibly complex figure starts with a 7G pull to the vertical upline, where an aileron roll to the right is followed by a series of negative flick rolls. As the energy declines and the cone of rotation expands the aircraft is transitioned into a downwards erect flat accelerated spin. My absoulte favourite - total freedom while tumbling.

Absolutely incredible. Certainly the most exciting thing I have ever done. I will be back for more. My flight was +7G to -4G.


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