Do you need surgery for a meniscus tear?

Описание к видео Do you need surgery for a meniscus tear?

It is common for adults in their 50s and 60s to have degenerative meniscus tears of the knee along with arthritis changes in that knee. In this Ask Dr. Geier video, I explain why orthopaedic surgeons often do not proceed with surgical treatment for the meniscus tear like we do with younger patients.
When it comes to a meniscus injury, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. But if you take a moment to tell me about your situation, I can give you the #1 thing you need to do next to overcome your torn meniscus, designed specifically for YOU (absolutely free). Click the link above!
Click the link above for more information about surgery for a meniscus tear and other resources for your sports or exercise injury.

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How can you know if your injury should get better in a few days or if it's more serious? This checklist can help you plan your next step to recover quickly and safely.

Please note: I don't respond to questions and requests for specific medical advice left in the comments to my videos. I receive too many to keep up (several hundred per week), and legally I can't offer specific medical advice to people who aren't my patients (see below). If you want to ask a question about a specific injury you have, leave it in the comments below, and I might answer it in an upcoming Ask Dr. Geier video. If you need more detailed information on your injury, go to my Resources page:

The content of this YouTube Channel,    / drdavidgeier   (“Channel”) is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The Channel may offer health, fitness, nutritional and other such information, but such information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. The content does not and is not intended to convey medical advice and does not constitute the practice of medicine. YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THIS INFORMATION AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR, NOR DOES IT REPLACE, PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE, DIAGNOSIS, OR TREATMENT. You should consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this Channel. You agree that Dr. Geier is not responsible for any actions or inaction on your part based on the information that is presented on the Channel. Dr. David Geier Enterprises, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of the content. USE OF THE CONTENT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Manny in California asks:
I am a 77 year old male with dancing as my main sport plus some activity in the gym. Almost three months ago some small pains developed in the right knee mostly on the lateral and rear, mostly with flexion. Extending the knee usually causes a click. An MRI showed a horizontal cleavage tear with 10-13 mm cyst and grade 2-3 patellar chondrosis. I've seen two orthopedic surgeons who have different views on whether I should have surgery now or wait. I can't decide. Almost minimal symptoms. They say it’s nonrepairable. No surgery could cause tear to worsen though. What are your views?

In the past, orthopaedic surgeons often performed arthroscopic debridements to clean up degenerative meniscus tears and arthritis of the knee. The long-term results of those surgeries have not proven as successful as we might have hoped. There are patients for whom surgery to trim out a meniscus tear can be helpful, though. In this video, I discuss the pros and cons of the surgery and offer some points to consider.

Please remember, while I appreciate your questions, I cannot and will not offer specific medical advice by email, online, on my show, or in the comments at the end of these posts. My responses are meant to provide general medical information and education. Please consult your physician or health care provider for your specific medical concerns.


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