Fable Anniversary 100% Commentary Speedrun

Описание к видео Fable Anniversary 100% Commentary Speedrun

So I decided to take a day away from social media as a personal experiment as I really needed a day to myself, and had also decided that would be a great day to knock out a commentary run of Fable Anniversary 100% since it's been a bit of a focus on my Twitch channel of late.

The Fable Anniversary 100% speedrun borrows its criteria from the TLC 100% speedrun's but adds on the addition of the 50 achievements, meaning it's run in Heroic difficulty. Funny thing about Heroic and my fancy new PC, the game loves to consistently crash in the experience menu when just switching the Strength/Skill/Will tabs, even without glitching so I had to revive my old FX-8350 PC to run this category, hence the Windows 7 Aero going on in the video layout. Frankly, I'm lucky I even have that as an option so I'll take what I can get.


Информация по комментариям в разработке