Languages | CAT 2019 Slot 2 LRDI Solution

Описание к видео Languages | CAT 2019 Slot 2 LRDI Solution

SET : Languages : In the table below the check marks indicate all languages spoken by five people: Paula, Quentin, Robert, Sally and Terence. For example, Paula speaks only Chinese and English.

[For images please refer Video]

These five people form three teams, Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3. Each team has either 2 or 3 members. A team is said to speak a particular language if at least one of its members speak that language.
The following facts are known.

(1) Each team speaks exactly four languages and has the same number of members.
(2) English and Chinese are spoken by all three teams, Basque and French by exactly two teams and the other languages by exactly one team.
(3) None of the teams include both Quentin and Robert.
(4) Paula and Sally are together in exactly two teams.
(5) Robert is in Team 1 and Quentin is in Team 3.

Q1 : Who among the following four is not a member of Team 2?
(a) Sally (b) Paula (c) Quentin (d) Terence

Q2 : Who among the following four people is a part of exactly two teams?
(a) Sally (b) Quentin (c) Robert (d) Paula

Q3 : Who among the five people is a member of all teams?
(a) No one (b) Terence (c) Sally (d) Paula

Q4 : Apart from Chinese and English, which languages are spoken by Team 1?
(a) Basque and French (b) Arabic and French
(c) Basque and Dutch (d) Arabic and Basque
This video series covers all the questions from LRDI section of CAT 2019 Slot 2.

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