Mustard Oil|Benefits| കടുകെണ്ണ: അഴകിനും ആരോഗ്യത്തിനും| Dr. Aparna Padmam

Описание к видео Mustard Oil|Benefits| കടുകെണ്ണ: അഴകിനും ആരോഗ്യത്തിനും| Dr. Aparna Padmam

Mustard oil has a ton of health and beauty benefits. It can be used externally on skin and hair as well as for cooking. The uses of mustard oil are aplenty as it is loaded with Vitamin E, microelements, erucic acid and so on. It is a natural moisturizer that leaves your skin hydrated. Mustard oil brightens skin tone, removes blemishes and treats hyperpigmentation. I have included a face pack using mustard oil in this video. Moreover, it is a natural sunscreen that effectively blocks the harmful rays of the sun. It has anti-ageing properties as well. It's a scalp cleanser and thereby improves the health of hair follicles. Mustard oil has been traditionally used for hair growth in many parts of India.
It has internal benefits as well. It improves digestion and lowers the amount of bad cholesterol. However, excess use may be avoided because of the high erucic acid content in it. I have included detailed instruction on how to use mustard oil for face, skin and hair in this video.

How to make mustard oil at home
   • Mustard oil preparation at home|കടുകെ...  

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Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for direct consultation with a medical practitioner. Use your best discretion before using any medicines. Avoid self-medication.

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Pixabay & Unsplash


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