Working procedure of thermal power plant by Sunny yadav sir |

Описание к видео Working procedure of thermal power plant by Sunny yadav sir |

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#Boilerworkinganimation #Boilerofpowerplant #condenserofpowerplant
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#ESP #electrostaticprecipitater #electrostaticprecipitaterofpowerplant
#fluegass #flyash #bottomash # demineralisationofwater #demineralisationofwaterinpowerhouse #DMPLANT #demineralisationplantofwater #demineralisationplantofwaterinpowerhouse

Sunny yadav sir is an entrepreneur, educator , and YouTuber. He is an NIT Jalandhar graduate and has been creating free educational content on his YouTube channel SUNNY YADAV SIR AND FUN IN PATHSHALA

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