Stay Tuned TV - Keaton Simons - Episode 7

Описание к видео Stay Tuned TV - Keaton Simons - Episode 7

Welcome. My name is Shawn Henderson - host/producer/editor of the new television show - "Stay Tuned". As you can see, the show is a video representation of my actual radio show, which coincidentally also happens to be called "Stay Tuned".

If you are interested in hearing the actual radio show, it can be heard every Friday afternoon from 1:30pm to 5:00pm (EST) on WSCA 106.1 FM in Portsmouth, NH or streamed at

The goal of the radio show, and now the television show, is to bring awareness to the working and traveling musician. I've interviewed hundreds of fantastic musicians over the years and last year I started filming the in-studio performance with the intention of creating this television show. Well, the day is finally here (after many false starts . . . of my own creation mostly). The show went on the air in December of 2012.

This episode features an extremely talented singer/songwriter/guitarist from the Los Angeles area, Keaton Simons. Prior to the in-studio I was not familiar with Keaton and I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised when he arrived. He was a warm soul with an incredible energy, not to mention the fact that he is a brilliant songwriter and musician. I had such a great time chatting with him that our usual 50 minute show went over an hour.

He has a brand new album out, "Beautiful Pain", that was just released on April 30th. If you like what you hear on this show, I encourage you to purchase the album. FMI on Keaton visit:

I hope you enjoy the show.. And please do not hesitate to leave feedback or comment on the show or the band.

Quick links to all the songs are below. All songs performed live in the studio.


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