Part 1 of 3: What is Contradiction and When Omissions can amount to Contradiction

Описание к видео Part 1 of 3: What is Contradiction and When Omissions can amount to Contradiction

Extracting a Contradiction is the art of the cross-examiner and there is method to prove the contradiction in a trial. In the first video I will explain what is Contradiction and when omission can amount to Contradiction in a trial. Bringing out the inconsistencies in the deposition can help in impeaching the credibility of the witness and plays important role in evaluating the evidence. In the second Video I will explain how to prove a contradiction in a trial and will show what is the method and technique to first bring the contradiction on record and thereafter how to prove it during Cross examination. In the third video I will show how to prove Omission which amou ts to contradiction as first the omission will have to be converted into a contradiction and then it can be proved. If there are any doubts please your questions in the comment section.


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