Develop your Gifts and Talents to Glorify God

Описание к видео Develop your Gifts and Talents to Glorify God

Whatever God has gifted you with, develop it! Pursue the dreams He's placed on your heart. Follow His call on your life. Develop your talents.

In all things, honor and glorify God.

Filmed by: Zach Buckler
Speaker: S. Franklin
Script: S. Franklin
Basketball Player: S. Franklin
Captions and Subtitles: S. Franklin, M. Oberholster, A. Pinheiro, K. Holthausen

Music: 'Junglish,' by S. Franklin, from the video game soundtrack, 'Vicious Rabbit,' programmed by S. Franklin

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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