CataractCoach 1218: J&J Eyhance compared to the Alcon Vivity IOL

Описание к видео CataractCoach 1218: J&J Eyhance compared to the Alcon Vivity IOL

The J&J Tecnis Eyhance is a monofocal IOL which slightly extends the intermediate range (67 cm) as compared to the J&J Tecnis ZCB00. There is a shift of some of the distance focused light energy (plano refraction, far distance) to the intermediate range which is centered at about -1 diopters of defocus (about 1 meter). This is accomplished by a central 1 mm zone of increased curvature. Studies have shown an increase of about 0.5 diopters at 67 cm for the J&J Tecnis Eyhance when compared to the J&J Tecnis ZCB00. The Tecnis Eyhance is not classified as an extended depth of focus IOL.

The Alcon Vivity is an extended depth of focus IOL (EDOF) which provides more intermediate range and even some near vision. It takes more of the light energy from the distance vision (plano defocus) and uses a beam-shaping element to elongate the focal range to include about -2 diopters of defocus (about 50 cm). The cost in terms of optical quality is a loss of some contrast which may be noticed more at night.

A monofocal IOL has a defocus of about 0.5 diopters, the Eyhance is about 1.0 diopters, and the Vivity is about 2.0 diopters. This means that the Eyhance is about 0.5 diopters more range than the monofocal IOL and the Vivity is 1.5 diopters more range than the monofocal IOL. That is a very significant difference of about 3x as much with the Vivity (1.5 D extra) over the Eyhance (0.5 D extra).

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