Divide Et Impera Setup and Rules

Описание к видео Divide Et Impera Setup and Rules

In a post-apocalyptic nuclear winter future controlled by the cruel overlord purebreds it's every faction for themselves. You'll be controlling one of the factions desperately trying to gather the left over supplies to trade for food and medicine.

D.E.I. on Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2...

D.E.I. Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...

00:00 - Intro
02:14 - Components
09:10 - Setup
09:55 - Setup - Map
11:34 - Setup - Drones
12:36 - Setup - Resources
13:57 - Setup - Outposts
15:09 - Setup - Candy
15:24 - Setup - Markets
17:51 - Setup - Missions
18:33 - Setup - Player Board
19:30 - Setup - Player Deployment
20:47 - Setup - Player Feats
21:55 - Setup - Reference Card
22:03 - Gameplay
22:16 - Gameplay - Overview
23:51 - Gameplay - Action Phases
25:22 - Gameplay - Action Phases - Buying a Card
26:14 - Gameplay - Action Phases - Missions
28:09 - Gameplay - Action Phase Variant - Planning
28:29 - Gameplay - Clean-up Phase
29:31 - Gameplay - Basic Actions
29:38 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Map Anatomy
30:11 - Gameplay - Basic Actions
30:28 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Move
32:27 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Majority
32:45 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Outposts
33:10 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Collect
33:50 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Construct
35:07 - Gameplay - Basic Actions - Enlist
35:53 - Gameplay - Outposts and Unlocking Feats
37:13 - Gameplay - Purchasing from the Market
40:42 - Gameplay - Drones
41:09 - Gameplay - Drones - Teleport Drone
41:53 - Gameplay - Drones - Harvester Drone
42:05 - Gameplay - Drones - Transport Drone
42:21 - Gameplay - Drones - Reaper Drone
42:59 - Gameplay - Drones - Candy Tokens
43:33 - Gameplay - Advanced Actions
43:38 - Gameplay - Advanced Actions - Blue
44:37 - Gameplay - Advanced Actions - Green
45:14 - Gameplay - Advanced Actions - Red
45:45 - Gameplay - Champion Abilities
46:40 - Gameplay - Feat Abilities
47:35 - Endgame Scoring
48:45 - End


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