RARE LEGO SETS Christmas Haul & Vlog!

Описание к видео RARE LEGO SETS Christmas Haul & Vlog!

Todays Christmas Special is a compilation of a couple of my childhood Xmas days. In 2012 and 2013 i had mainly just LEGO on my holiday gift list and now over a decade later here were the highlights of the LEGO haul!
Here i post mostly videos related to my life in some way. Think of it as a scrapbook in vlog form. You will see everything from travels, to daily life and even home renos!
TheIconicPlaylist.com and MeaningInTheMusic.com are my websites
This channel is mainly a vlog based channel
For my main channel which is collecting music check out : @TheIconicPlaylist
For my created music i wrote and produced check out : @IconicPlaylistRecords
For my old gaming videos check out : @WolfParsnip
Proverbs 1:7
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


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