HARI JUMAT BERSIH-BERSIH RUMAH UNGU | bebersih teras & ruang tamu | ganti sarban & ganti seprei

Описание к видео HARI JUMAT BERSIH-BERSIH RUMAH UNGU | bebersih teras & ruang tamu | ganti sarban & ganti seprei

HARI JUMAT BERSIH-BERSIH RUMAH UNGU | bebersih teras & ruang tamu | ganti sarban & ganti seprei
WEEKEND DI RUMAH AJA BERSIH-BERSIH RUMAH | Ganti Seprei, Ganti Gorden, bebenah dapur

link produk ⬇️⬇️⬇️
seprei love ungu baru : https://shope.ee/3V5NpDTp5s
kasur in the box 160x200 : https://shope.ee/L8cSnR333
vacum cleaner : https://shope.ee/8p6ZSmg640
binder A6 Lilac : https://shope.ee/8KB218OC4v
ziplock : https://shope.ee/7zYIRWmGH2
plastik seprei 3.500 : https://shope.ee/6UjOClIJ9d

💜 Kamar
1. Meja rias : https://shp.ee/zi7biea
2. Kasur in the box : https://shp.ee/kd2w6uj
3. Dipan kasur ada lacinya : https://shp.ee/3c6kgnj
4. Seprei Vito lavender : https://shp.ee/hrkek4i
5. Seprei kintakun spring : https://shp.ee/mdzfims
6. Seprei polos : https://shp.ee/mg8qm8s
7. Seprei ungu love : https://shp.ee/8mexqaz
8. ROK DIPAN : https://shp.ee/fecmvah
9. Selimut ungu : https://shp.ee/6a4mtkt
10. Keset hexagonal : https://shp.ee/bhpqapa
11. Karpet bulu : https://shp.ee/3mfipai
12. Rak kosmetik mini : https://shp.ee/uidx9va
13. Lemari rotan : https://shp.ee/g97gh4b
14. Karpet lantai geometri : https://shp.ee/feubgca
15. Kaligrafi ungu : https://shp.ee/hcbddu2
16. Bunga tulif : https://shp.ee/unp4yfz
17. Kain meteran bunga Anisa : https://shp.ee/c56srqi
18. Storage Gracia siza M : https://shp.ee/7cb5gri
19. Dompet pintar : https://shp.ee/jfy6daz

1. Yongma ungu : https://shp.ee/2ute9jt
2. Sarung galon+kulkas+Magicom : https://shp.ee/a647a56
Motif lain : https://shp.ee/cyebym6
2. Spon cuci piring : https://shp.ee/ihezwzs
3. Keset cendol : https://shp.ee/2ja2gka
4. Lap cendol : https://shp.ee/wzwsg5y
5. Kemoceng cendol : https://shp.ee/74xpii9
6. Stiker kompor : https://shp.ee/eu5vkis
7. Stiker kulkas : https://shp.ee/2qqapbi
8. Food container Calista otaru : https://shp.ee/h7ge6q2
9. Hand towel dress : https://shp.ee/dmg4rdi
10. Keset kaki geometris (karpet) : https://shp.ee/bhpqapa
11. Storage Gracia siza M : https://shp.ee/7cb5gri
12. Spatula silikon : https://shp.ee/c6smds8
13. Sutil silikon (satuan) : https://shp.ee/y9eun6q
14. Pisau set : https://shp.ee/3yiqf7y
15. Piring melamin set : https://shp.ee/hg8gy3i
16. Toples bumbu : https://shp.ee/dtvrkbf
17. Stiker bumbu : https://shp.ee/fr4gv53
18. Tempat spon cuci piring : https://shp.ee/j6qmhiz
19. Botol pam : https://shp.ee/pk9z8tm
20. Vacum sapu murah : https://shp.ee/2attz8h
21. Pemotong bawang : https://shp.ee/xic9s6h
22. Spatula silikon set : https://shp.ee/qds3bdh
23. Emeral / baskom prasmanan : https://shp.ee/m2mb6ab
24. Kran wastafel ungu : https://shp.ee/smn5sad

💜 Ruang tamu + ruang TV
1. Wallfoam bata : https://shp.ee/mcs5aqw
2. Sarung bantal sofa + taplak : https://shp.ee/8ymq75w
3. Gorden pintu : https://shp.ee/pey4cre
4. Gorden pintu 12 ring : https://shp.ee/a46y6jh
5. Karpet bulu 200x150x3,5 : https://shp.ee/3mfipai
6. Karpet bulu 100x150 : https://shp.ee/7e6jexa
7. Karpet geometris 100x140 : https://shp.ee/feubgca
8. Lerberg besar : https://shp.ee/ej6w8fa

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