Meet Carol Hackett, Human Design Reader

Описание к видео Meet Carol Hackett, Human Design Reader

Meet Carol, a 5/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator with a Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Scorpio Rising. Carol is a level 2 Quantum Human Design (QHD) Reader who is completing her certification in QHD Family Coaching. After homeschooling for 11 years, she returned to school to become a science teacher and is currently working on a 2nd Master’s in School Counseling.

Carol connects with her clients through a fun and interactive approach to help them understand their unique human design. Human Design (HD) is a self-exploration system that integrates ancient and modern beliefs, drawing from traditions such as the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, the chakra system, and astrology. The system aims to help individuals understand their uniqueness by exploring their personalities and how their energy interacts with the world. Studying your human design is similar to astrology, where a chart is created based on your birthday, time, and birth location.


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