Summer Release Food Plot Blend Success (643)

Описание к видео Summer Release Food Plot Blend Success (643)

See an update on this highly productive summer food plot that has deer browsing in it, created with a blend that is less expensive, that's easy to plant, and easy to maintain!

The way we build up organic matter rapidly is having many species planted together year-round – something growing as many days out of the year as we can. And those roots working their magic in the soil and then never disturbing those roots. And that’s what really builds up organic matter.
We’ve got plants that deer won’t eat until the middle part of summer; the late part of summer. And I’ve also thought about the soil health aspect. So, I’ve got high carbon plants and high nitrogen plants. And I’ll be all set up for my fall crop to feed them fertilizer – slow-release fertilizer – and to suppress weeds for that fall crop. This blend – it’s the Summer Release blend – costs less than 50 bucks an acre. Compare that to some of the high dollar crops out there and you’ll see a huge savings, not only in money but improving soil quality and the local environment.

#foodplots #TeamOutdoors


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