MIRACLE in the FIRST 12,168 Average MMR MATCH! New World Highest RECORD

Описание к видео MIRACLE in the FIRST 12,168 Average MMR MATCH! New World Highest RECORD

MIRACLE with 9 more pro players playing in the highest Average MMR match ever in ranked dota 2.

In today's video we have Miracle- playing Centaur Offlane.

Here I show you Miracle dota 2 player perspective of the game (POV) with my own analysis.

Miracle- is one of the most famous players in the game since he reached top 1 MMR Ranked years ago. He is a player part of the Team Nigma roster currently inactive but will come back to the pro scene soon.

Don't forget to subscribe and thumbs up!

I provide text and voice analysis of this match to give an educational value for people who want to increase their MMR, also item timestamps to mark goals for players who want to learn about item timings and I give some Dota 2 tips along the video.

This gameplay is recorded and edited by ME (the owner of the channel) and I am complying with VALVE's video policy, so I'm authorized to upload these kind of videos. Thumbnail is also made by me.

Dota 2 version: 7.35b
Hero: Centaur, Templar Assassin, Phantom Lancer
Player: Nigma Miracle, Entity Watson, Team Spirit Satanic


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