Who Do I Say Yeshua Is ?

Описание к видео Who Do I Say Yeshua Is ?

In Mark 8:27-29 Jesus poses a crucial question to His disciples that goes to the heart of their understanding and relationship with Him. This passage is a pivotal moment in the Gospel, where Jesus' true identity is openly recognized by His followers. There is an importance of understanding who Jesus is but also calls us to live in a way that clearly proclaims His identity as the Messiah.
Who Do I Say Yeshua Is?
This question challenges us to examine our own faith and relationship with Jesus. Do we see Him merely as a historical figure or moral teacher, or do we truly recognize Him as the Messiah, the Savior of the world?

Is My Life Proclaiming Who Messiah Is?
Our actions, words, and how we live daily should reflect our belief in Yeshua as the Messiah. This means embodying His teachings, showing His love, and living in a way that points others to Him.


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