The 5 Rs of Examining the Optic Disc (Malik Y. Kahook, MD)

Описание к видео The 5 Rs of Examining the Optic Disc (Malik Y. Kahook, MD)

This lecture covers the basics of examining the optic disc using the 5Rs. While a great deal of knowledge has been gained since the first introduction of the FORGE I lecture, I still find this information valuable for both trainees as well as seasoned eye care professionals. I tried to follow the original transcript as closely as I could with some minor additions.

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**Added information on peripapillary atrophy:

#Glaucoma #Eye #orbis #cybersight #OpticDisc #ophthalmology #ophthalmologyresident #ophthalmologylife #glaucomaawareness #glaucomatoday #eyedoctor #eyedoc


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