Prime Minister 2025:Cook, Nourish, Lead, Serve Canada - Episode1: Leg of Lamb for Orthodox Christmas

Описание к видео Prime Minister 2025:Cook, Nourish, Lead, Serve Canada - Episode1: Leg of Lamb for Orthodox Christmas

On January 7th, 2025, the first episode celebrates Orthodox Christmas with a timeless, globally loved dish—the Leg of Lamb. From Russia and Ukraine to Greece, China, and beyond, this dish unites cultures through its rich, savory flavor.

Cooked at a low temperature of 220°C, the leg of lamb is basted with a planetary blend of mustard, cumin, gooseberries, black pepper, black cumin, sesame seeds, and Himalayan salt. The final touch of lime slices cuts through the gamy flavor, making this dish irresistible. Cumin, common in Chinese cooking, transforms the lamb into a tender, flavorful delight that crosses borders.

This is more than a cooking show. It’s about food security, leadership, and the vision for a better Canada. Join in as discussions around politics, laws, and governance unfold, giving a deeper look into the real vision of Henri, Prime Minister of Canada.

A special shout-out to the Ukrainian, Russian, and all those who celebrate with a Leg of Lamb, and a heartfelt wish for all to find the real Jesus Messiah this season. ‪@russianchurch‬ ‪@glorytoukraine9442‬ ‪@mrpresidentputin‬ ‪@ZeeNews‬ ‪@CBCNews‬ ‪@FoodNetwork‬ ‪@Canadaeats‬ ‪@Canadiancookingadventures‬ ‪@WILDERNESSCOOKING‬ ‪@VillageCookingChannel‬ ‪@hellskitchen‬ ‪@AltonBrown‬

#PrimeMinister2025 #CookNourishLeadServe #LegOfLamb #FoodSecurity #Leadership #Canada2025 #OrthodoxChristmas #GlobalCuisine #HenriForPM #BetterCanada #PoliticsAndFood #CulinaryLeadership #RealJesusMessiah #FoodForThought #NourishTheNation

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