Jay Shetty: There's No Such Thing As An Overnight Success | Talks at Google

Описание к видео Jay Shetty: There's No Such Thing As An Overnight Success | Talks at Google

Jay Shetty is a Motivational thinker, video producer, digital strategist, philosopher and Urban Monk who received over 30 million views in 3 weeks when his Invisible World series went viral when featured by The Huffington Post. Jay helps people redefine success, explore their mind and find purpose. Jay left the corporate world to live as a monk for 3 years in India and now shares his experiences in a relevant, innovative and accessible way. Jay brings together two seemingly opposite worlds of media and meditation, millennial and monk.

Today we see celebrities made overnight through YouTube; startups disrupting and overtaking established businesses in a matter of years and individuals with less experience leap frogging their senior colleagues. All of these success stories share one thing in common, failure. Or more significantly, the ability to respond to failure. It is fascinating when you think Steve Spielberg didn't get into UCLA film school, that Oprah Winfrey was told she wasn't fit for television and Steve Jobs was removed from the company he started. What makes us label something as a failure? How do we define success? Can we find news ways of navigating a noisy world and mind to find our true purpose?


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