Quake 4 (2005) (PC) (Raven Software)

Описание к видео Quake 4 (2005) (PC) (Raven Software)

It's not like I missed out on a great gaming experience or anything, but it still feels rather weird to admit that I didn't play Quake 4 at all when it originally came out in 2005 and still to this day have barely touched the last installment in the venerable shooter series. Raven Software's forgettable attempt to revive the Frogg Wars (sorry, *Strogg*) was released during a period of my life when I was far too busy with my university studies to play silly video games (also, not having a gaming PC at the time surely had something to do with it). While I briefly checked out the first levels some years ago it wasn't until this year's obligatory QuakeCon Steam sale that I got around to actually acquiring a copy of the game (just to make my id/Raven "collection" complete, if nothing else).


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