A Swing and a Long-Range Miss | Semovente M43 da 149/40

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Prior to and during the Second World War, the Italian industry generally lacked the capacity to fulfill all the military demands placed upon it. This was probably most obvious in regard to producing modern armored fighting vehicles. Italian armored formations mostly consisted of obsolete light and medium tanks, which were no match for Allied armor. The Italians, on the other hand, achieved success with a series of self-propelled guns, the Semoventi (self-propelled vehicles), which proved to be quite effective, but they were not without some issues. Their development would finally lead to the creation of the mysterious and poorly documented Semovente M43 da 149/40.

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T. Gander and P. Chamberlain, Enzyklopädie Deutscher Waffen 1939-1945, Motorbuch Verlag
F. Cappellano (1998) Le artiglierie del Regio Esercito nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale
P. Battistelli (2012) Italian Medium Tanks 1939-45, new wanguard
C. Bishop (1998) The Encyclopedia of weapons of World War II, Brown Packaging Books
C. Falessi and B. Pafi () Veicoli da combattimento dell’esercito Italiano Dal 1939 Al 1945
R. Riccio (2011) Italian Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War II – Roadrunner/Aberdeen
Storia Militare 1994
24 Committee etc. Storia dell’Artiglieria Italiana, Vol. XV, B. A. e G., Rome 1953

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An article by Marko P
A script by Marko P
Narrated by Russel (Mechakeller)
Edited by Aesop Khan
Sound edited by Russel (Mechakeller)


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