SoundTraxx Introduction to CVs (Configuration Variables)

Описание к видео SoundTraxx Introduction to CVs (Configuration Variables)

This week we are going to talk about CVs and all of the bits and bytes you use to choose configuration variable value. We know that these technical terms can make adjusting CVs sound confusing, but we hope this will remove some of the confusion and fear that many people have when it comes to programming their decoders. Fist, the word programming can be misleading. It is commonly used in the industry, but adjusting is a better word. You are choosing a selection that we have already programmed in the decoder and your selection can always be changed or reset. Now into CVs. A CV is made up of one bit and one bit is made up of 8 bytes. Each byte can control up to one on or off feature. This means that one CV can control up to 8 features. This is how we pack so many realistic train features into our Tsunami2 decoders. Not all CVs control multiple features though. Some CVs like Master Volume Control (CV 128) only control volume and the value in the CV 0-255 is 0-100% volume. Other CVs can control multiple features. For example CV 29 controls the direction, F0 location, Alternate Power Source Enable, Speed Table Enable, and Extended Address Mode Enable. Each of these features in CV 29 is controlled by a bit. To enable the feature you turn the bit on. When the bit is on its weight is added to the CV value. Watch now to learn how to turn a bit on and what each bits weight is.

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