Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree - Part 23 - Jagged Peak

Описание к видео Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree - Part 23 - Jagged Peak

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree NG+3 Playthrough

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For some reason, I played the whole DLC before editing the first one (which took longer with the montage) so if anything was missed that then gets pointed out in the comments, it will be addressed when the videos catch up (one after the final boss (The beating the final boss)).

Song Used:
Sacrificial - The Binding of Isaac

Outro song is Elden Ring - Elden Ring

The footage is taken from the PlayStation 4 version of the game on PlayStation 5.
Could have upgraded but I didn't want to use a new character for this.

#eldenring #eldenringshadowoftheerdtree #shadowoftheerdtree #fromsoftware #bandainamco

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Golden Hippo: 0:00
Foot of the Jagged Peak: 6:25
Jagged Peak Drake: 7:36
Exploration: 11:39
Double Jagged Peak Drake: 12:25
Igon: 17:10
Senessax: 22:29

Elden Ring, Shadows of the Erdtree, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco, Torrent, Melina, Miquella, Margit, Godrick, Mimic Tear, Jellyfish, Morgott, Mohg, Starscourge Radahn, Rykard, Malenia, Hoarah Loux, Blackgaol Knight, Bloodfiend, Dancing Lion, Rellana, Ymir, Dryleaf Dane, Ghostflame Dragon, Golden Hippopotamus, Messmer the Impaler base, Metyr, Ralva, Rugalea, Deathrite Bird, Tibia mariner, Bayle the Dread, Ancient dragon Senessax, Midra lord of frenzied flame, Romina saint of the bud, Promised Consort Radahn Consort of Miquella, New Game Plus, Journey 4, NG+3


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