MetaQuest 3 is catching up with Apple Vision Pro after the V66 & V67 software updates. What's next?

Описание к видео MetaQuest 3 is catching up with Apple Vision Pro after the V66 & V67 software updates. What's next?

Nice UX/UI Changes in Meta Quest 3's V67 update by Meta.
The good, the bad and the ugly (things they'll have to improve).
Overall, great job!

Meta is catching up with the Apple Vision Pro now with their latest software update, the V67, which squeezes more and more capabilities out of the $500 headset. The Quest 3 is now doing 99% of what Apple's expensive ($3500!) headset does.

Almost the entire update focuses on UX improvements and the general user experience, so I tried to ignore the UI in the video, because as Meta's CTO, Boz said, big UI changes are on the way, so I saw no point in talking about UI in this video.

I did talked about the good, the bad and the ugly - what is Meta aiming for? what's already good, and what must be improved to catch up with Apple ASAP? Frankly - It's is not that complex to implement most of what I've criticized in this video.

Because, if Meta managed to close the gaps with Apple Vision Pro in only 5 months (Although the launch of Apple Vision Pro forced them to step out of their comfort zone) they've already done more complex things than the things I'm saying in this video (like eliminating the distortions around our hands).

I would've expect that, at least someone at Meta (even without a competition from Apple) to solve elementary issues such as hand warping and a bad UIs long ago, I'm sure it bothered them too, but BigTech companies that are not UX\UI oriented (Almost all of them, Except Apple!) and do not understand the importance of it (like Apple) tend to underestimate these things and forgetting the fact that humans are gonna use it...

Let's hope they also learned to listen to XR creators, users and enthusiasts, because some of us pointed out these UX\UI issues long before Apple have set the high bar for XR with their Apple Vision Pro. Meta and other XR companies never listened to us. Let's hope now they will...

#ux #ui #productdesign #xr #ar #mr #vr #SpatialComputing


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