拿督傳奇 Lagenda Dato

Описание к видео 拿督傳奇 Lagenda Dato

獻給一頁文化結合的章節, 代代流傳.
—— 拿督是誰?

The integration of traditional Malay and Chinese belief has brought in mix-culture elements in the Dato Gong worship. The goal of investigating this worship is to introduce and clarify the value embedded under this belief to Malaysian. In order to achieve this aim, the video is divided into three parts, namely: the origin, the cultural integration and evolution of the worship.

The video is targeted to people who have interest in knowing more about Malaysia culture in the context of folklore belief. More specifically, it is also produced in hope to bring awareness to the Dato Gong devotees -- who is the object that they are worshiping?

Understanding that the final outcome would be a fact-based visual narration, the information needs to be delivered in a more lively method. Perhaps video is a right choice to break the mundane of looking at still images on books. The video can easily be posted up to research or scholar websites, and discussion forums for information sharing purpose. Most of the visual were documented in video to enhance the audience's sense of connection, provided with the live recorded audio.

The video brings the message of appreciating the mix-culture belief in Malaysia. The myth in Dato Gong worship might not able to be explained with scientific facts. However, at the other side of the belief, it has actually documented a part of Malaysian behaviour, where it involves a lot of humanistic values.

A coursework documentary project,
The One Academy of Communication Design 2011 Degree Programme


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