Omar Apollo - Saving All My Love (Official Visualizer)

Описание к видео Omar Apollo - Saving All My Love (Official Visualizer)

Ivory (Marfil) out now:

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#omarapollo #ivorymarfil #SavingAllMyLove


Aggressive how he god, Yeah you turning both ways
Don’t you lie to yourself, Boy that’s a cold place
See it on your whole face
Don’t get attached to your body, It change with old age
I know you feel that cocaine, I see the lies through your nose
Prince vuala, I left my body exposed you left with nada
I’m feeling brava, Sweat drip down my eyes yea but he got that Prada
And the sun don’t shine and my headphones died and the tide is low
Watch the wings collapse and you freefall down that’s a dirty road
Turn around turn around turn around, Everything’s in front of you
Happiness can stay a while
But sometimes it don’t come alright, No
So I wait, Why wait
Do you chase
Not patient
So I saved all my love for you


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