Farm Together: Pros and Cons for Crops

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Hey everyone, Eezore here, and in this video I share some pros and cons for the Crops feature for the game Farm Together. This is the primary source of income for most of the game, and as such this is very important to understand how it works.

First off, how it works. You need to Plow the land for 10 Gold, then you can plant the crop in that space. You have to wait a set amount of time before you can harvest them, but you can speed up the time needed with watering them. You can water them about three times before harvest, and it varies for each crop for how long it takes to harvest.

So let's break into the pros and cons. First pro is that this is your primary source of income. You can make several thousands per harvest, and it can be done very often. You can also add more plots as space allows, there is always room for more. Next up you can save a TON of time by watering the crops. This varies just like the times for each crop. These are also the best ways to get quests done, as you can get plant the crops in little time.

Ok. So, that's all the good. Let's get some Cons going next.

First off, if your not careful you can lock alot of your money up waiting for crops to grow. Since you have to spend money to plant them, then wait, if you put in 150,000 coins into crops and have to wait 8 hours, your just going to be doing very little until that money comes back.

The next con is the fact that watering usually takes gas, and gas early on is very hard to come by and should be used on other means of making money, like trees or flowers. Watering is nice to save time, but if your using all your gas for watering you won't have any to harvest.

Finally, there can be some minor time issues with crops. You generally want to harvest trees, flowers, animals and fish before crops. As such if your crops are all due and the season changes, you should get your trees first then come back to the crops, and that is just wasted time. This is more of a minor issue to be honest but one worth mentioning.

That's about it for pros and cons, and honestly the pros outweigh the cons. This is a big portion of your income until late in the game, and as such it is really a sound way to make money. The few tips I have are as follows:
1. Set your fields aside for money and quests. If you separate and label, or just remember in some way, what section is for what you can avoid the money locked issue.
2.Be smart with your time. If your going to stop playing for the day, and are coming back in let's say 12 hours, plant a ton of 8-12 hour crops. Really just being smart with your playing in general is the way to go for these.
3.Don't use farmhands on crops. They are much better used anywhere else.
4. Keep sections of crops ready to be harvested later in the game. This will make quests really easy to complete.

And that's about it! If you have any tips or tricks, or anything else really just leave it in the comments below. Thank you all for watching, and have a great one!


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