用零售推动理性消费 Conscious Consumer | 李添泉 Jon Lee | TEDxPetalingStreet

Описание к видео 用零售推动理性消费 Conscious Consumer | 李添泉 Jon Lee | TEDxPetalingStreet


天然健康与美容产品概念馆 Re{me}dy 创办人李添泉,对这句话深有感触。他除了在馆内贯彻可持续发展的理念,通过教育来提升消费者的消费意识,更是致力于推广升级改造 (upcycle) 的概念。

与其他零售商不同,在经营 Re{me}dy 方面,李添泉专门聘请不会销售的人,而店内也从不做促销活动。他认为从消费源头着手,自己先开始当个有意识的零售商,也是至关重要的。


“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world just by being careful in what we buy.” - Emma Watson

Jon Lee, co-founder of natural health and skincare concept store Re{me}dy, resonated with this quote deeply. Besides implementing sustainable practices in his store, Lee sought to raise consumers’ awareness using education and also commit to promote upcycling.

Unlike other retailers, Lee purposely hired “unretail” staff who do not push sales, and avoided running promotional activities in his store. He believes that to change people’s consumption habits, it is equally important to be a conscious retailer as well.

While it is not easy to change consumerism and fast retail culture in a short time, Lee is ready to do his part one step at a time.

#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #TEDx茨厂街 #Reset2022 #啟2022 #启2022 #李添泉 #JonLee #Speakers2022 李添泉,永续发展环保推动者。在曾任职的 Rip Curl 冲浪运动服品牌参与净滩活动里,看见多得让人眼花缭乱的垃圾后,决定与志同道合的友人联合创办天然健康与美容概念馆 Re{me}dy,并在馆内各处甚至产品成分里,贯彻环保的理念。他希望通过思考、升级改造 (upcycle)、学习等,培养更多有意识的消费者,在他们心中埋下环保和永续发展的种子,并启发他们发现自己的环保潜力,在生活中自然地实践环保。

Jon Lee is passionate about sustainable practices. While participating in a beach cleanup activity with his previous company Rip Curl, he encountered appalling sights of beaches with unimaginable amounts of rubbish. Overcoming his shock and disbelief, Jon went on a soul searching journey which ended up with the co-founding of Re{me}dy, a natural health and skincare store, with his friends. Besides encouraging more people to use natural products, Re{me}dy aims to cultivate Conscious Consumers via three actions: Consider, Upcycle, and Learn. Jon hopes that the store will plant a seed of environmental protection in the hearts of consumers, which would then lead to them discovering their own ways of contributing, and practicing, towards a sustainable, environmental-friendly lifestyle. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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