A Dual-Band Rectangular Shape Incorporated into Circular Patch Antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN App

Описание к видео A Dual-Band Rectangular Shape Incorporated into Circular Patch Antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN App

A Dual-Band Rectangular Shape Incorporated into Circular Patch Antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN Applications
Authors: Suthasinee Lamultree, Nattakarn Somsanook, Wararak Narkkoht, and Chuwong Phongcharoenpanich (TELK 26519)

A design for a dual-band patch antenna (DBPA) is shown in this study. The DBPA has a rectangular shape that is turned into a circular patch, as well as two half-wavelength inverted U-slots (HWIUSs) for a single feed in 2.4/5.0 GHz WLAN applications. In this work, the HWIUSs play a crucial role in the design of the dual-band antenna. An FR4 substrate with a relative permittivity of 4.3 and a height of 1.6 mm supports the DBPA and is fed by a 50-Ohm microstrip line that is printed on a copper layer on top of it. A partial ground plane backs the bottom layer. An antenna prototype with a dimension of 0.384 ×0.304 ×0.013 was contrived and admeasured to verify the simulation. It shows a pattern that is almost omnidirectional and has a peak gain of 2.55 and 3.3 dBi. It covers a dual-band 10 dB return loss bandwidth of 15% (2.4–2.8 GHz) and 20% (4.96–5.86 GHz). Interestingly, the simulated |S11| and radiation patterns are reasonable, based on experimental results that demonstrate their potential in 2.4/ 5 GHz WLAN services.

TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control

Supported by Master Program of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, https://mee.uad.ac.id #yogyakarta
Admission: https://mee.uad.ac.id/pendaftaran/

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