Prehistoric Park: Archaeologist Ice Age (18 Animal Skeletons) | Eftsei Gaming

Описание к видео Prehistoric Park: Archaeologist Ice Age (18 Animal Skeletons) | Eftsei Gaming

Features 18 Fun big creatures, including: Smilodon, Palaeotherium, Varanus Priscus, Haast's Eagle, Megatherium, Andrewsarchus, Arctodus Simus, Entelodon, Deinosuchus, Titanis, Mesohippus, Mammoth, Brontotherium, Placodermi, Pachycrocuta, Odocoileus Virginlanus, Puma Concolor & Mirounga.

Have your boys ever wondered the animals alive during Ice Age? Have your boys curious about the saber-toothed cat, which had seven-inch fangs, the wild and woolly mammoths, or six-foot-tall ground sloths? Then let us go to the fossil dig site and explore more Ice Age animals. Ice Age Games is a unique collection of Ice Age fossils excavated game, boys can find 18 kinds of Ice Age animals.

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