The Best Experience in the League - Tirannwnonly in Trailblazer #2

Описание к видео The Best Experience in the League - Tirannwnonly in Trailblazer #2

Taking on a bunch of bosses for the first time ever in the second episodes of Tirannwnonly Trailblazer Edition

►Twitter -   / turtletalee  
►Twitch -   / turtletale  
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Music (In Order it Appears)
The Gathering (Audio Blocks)
Kingdom (OSRS Soundtrack)
Newbie Melody (OSRS Soundtrack)
Pest Control (OSRS Soundtrack)

What is This Series?
This account is a spin on my well known account TirannwnOnly, which is restricted solely to the western lands of Tirannwn and the treacherous Underground Pass.
This account takes place in Leagues 2 Trailblazer, where players have increased experience rates and access to a selection of overpowered abilities known as relics. You get to pick which areas you want to explore and experience, tailor the game to your desire. If there was ever a time to play the game it is now! Jump on in and try out the new gamemode!

More information about the game mode is available below

#OSRS #MMO #Uniqueironmen

OSRS UNIQUE IRONMAN RUNESCAPE SMITHING TIRANNWN ONLY UIM 8x EXPERIENCE SONG OF THE ELVES SOTE TIRANNWN AUSTRALIAN 15,000 Zombies Later - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #19 7000+ Rabbits Lead To This - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #7 These Levels Took Almost a Year! - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #20 28,000 Implings Remain - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #22 28,000 Implings Later! - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #23 Tirannwnonly Takes on Trailblazer - #1 Gotta Start Somewhere... - Vanilla UIM Episode #1


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