Classification of Organic Compounds | Lecture 3| Aliphatic & Cyclic |Aromatic & Alicyclic Compounds

Описание к видео Classification of Organic Compounds | Lecture 3| Aliphatic & Cyclic |Aromatic & Alicyclic Compounds

In this fully Animated Lecture, you will learn about:
Classification of Organic Compounds.

All the known organic compound's, have been broadly divided into two categories, depending upon their carbon skeleton. These are:
Open chain or acyclic compounds
Closed chain or cyclic compound's

Open chain compound's are those, in which the terminal carbon atoms are not joined with each other, in this way, they form a long chain of carbon atoms. These chains may be either straight or branched. For example, Straight chain compounds are those, in which carbon atoms link with each other, through covalent bonds, and forming a straight chain.

Branched chain compounds are those, in which there is a branch along a straight chain. Open chain compounds are also called aliphatic compounds.

Closed chains, or Cyclic compounds:-
Closed chain or cyclic compounds are those, in which the carbon atoms, at the end of the chain are not free. They are linked to form a ring or cyclic structure. that's why they are classified as, cyclic compounds.
They are further divided into two classes:

Homocyclic compounds, and Heterocyclic compounds.
Homo means the same,
these compounds contain rings, that are made up of the same kind of atoms, like Carbon atoms. These are further divided into two classes:
Aromatic compounds, and Alicyclic compounds.

Aromatic compounds are also called benzenoid compounds, because they contain at least one benzene ring in their molecule, that is made up of six carbon atoms, with three alternating double, and single bonds!.
Alicyclic Compounds are non benzenoid compounds, because they don't have a benzene ring in their structure!.
Hetro means different, and such types of compounds contain rings, that are made up of different kinds of atoms. Like in this compound, the sulphur is present with carbon atoms, to make a cyclic structure. Such types of compounds are known as Heterocyclic.

So these are the classes of Organic compounds. For a detailed concept visit lecture.


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