愛 ● 常傳 - 聖地‧聖經‧冷知識 - 最後晚餐廳 / 聖伯多祿雞鳴堂 / 聖墓大殿

Описание к видео 愛 ● 常傳 - 聖地‧聖經‧冷知識 - 最後晚餐廳 / 聖伯多祿雞鳴堂 / 聖墓大殿

耶穌與宗徒共晉最後的 #逾越節晚餐,並在那時建立了聖體聖事。#最後晚餐 的情形是怎樣的?耶穌在被捕以後、被釘十字架前的一晚是怎樣過的?經過歲月的洗禮,耶穌被釘十字架的地方和祂的墳墓是怎樣的?《愛‧常傳》之《聖地‧聖經‧冷知識》帶大家到 #以色列 看看。
Jesus had the last Passover dinner with the apostles and instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist. What was it like at the Last Supper? After Jesus got arrested, how did he spend the night before his crucifixion on Good Friday? What does Mount Calvary and the tomb of Jesus look like today after some 2000 years? Little-Known Facts about the Holy Land takes you to Israel to find out more.


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