Pikehunter" "Kujo made it, "Heli Crash"

Описание к видео Pikehunter" "Kujo made it, "Heli Crash"

This is more of a heads up for Pikehunter, so he knows about where I logged out and why he should stick around the area till we meet up.

Pikehunter and I started playing on an official PVP Server name: 9024 | NORTH AMERICA - NY
Server version: 1.26.158964
Required game version: 1.26.0

Map: Chernarusplus
Mission: Official DayZ game server
Players: 42/60
We geared up and met up finding stashes and building our own over a about 11 hrs of game play at about 6 hours in we separated and then I got lost found my way back to the area he was in and stopped by a heli crash on the way. Finally some ammo!


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