Tips Pasti Lembut & Mulus! Resep OMELET TELUR JAMUR Ala Hotel [Bahan Rumahan]

Описание к видео Tips Pasti Lembut & Mulus! Resep OMELET TELUR JAMUR Ala Hotel [Bahan Rumahan]

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00:00 : intro
01:19 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:18 : tumis jamur (sautéing the mushroom)
04:17 : membuat omelette (making the omelette)
05:53 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep Mushroom Omelette. Omelette atau telur dadar ini beragam variasinya. Kali ini aku akan membuat omelette yang berisi jamur dan keju. Pastinya anak-anak dan keluarga suka!

Resep Mushroom Omelette (untuk 1 porsi)

3-4 butir telur
6 buah jamur champignon, iris
¼ buah bawang bombai, iris
1-2 sdm mentega (opsional)
1 sdm parsley cincang
3 sdm keju mozarella
1 sdm keju parmesan
1 sdt cabai bubuk
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt merica
1-2 sdm susu (opsional)

1 genggam daun rocket
4 buah tomat ceri, potong
1 sdm balsamic vinegar
2 sdm olive oil
Lada hitam
Daun bawang chives, iris

1. Panaskan sedikit minyak lalu tumis jamur hingga setengah kering, masukkan bawang bombai dan tumis hingga kering lalu bumbui garam, merica, dan tambahkan mentega lalu sisihkan
2. Kocok lepas telur dan susu
3. Panaskan sedikit minyak, pastikan pan sudah benar-benar panas lalu kecilkan api dan tuang telur sambil diaduk-aduk
4. Dalam keadaan setengah matang, letakkan isian jamur di tengah omelette, taruh keju mozarella dan parmesan, parsley cincang, merica, dan cabai bubuk kemudian lipat dan balikkan omelette
5. Untuk salad, rendam daun rocket di air dingin kemudian tiriskan lalu campurkan dengan tomat ceri beri olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garam, dan lada hitam lalu aduk rata
6. Sajikan omelette dengan irisan daun bawang dan salad sebagai pelengkap


Tips on Making Soft, Fluffy Omelette! Mushroom Omelette Recipe

Omelette comes in many shapes and forms. This time, I’m making an omelette filled with mushroom and cheese. Kids and family will love it!

Mushroom Omelette Recipe (yield 1 serving)

3-4 pc egg
6 pc champignon mushroom, sliced
¼ pc onion, sliced
1-2 tbsp butter (optional)
1 tbsp chopped parsley
3 tbsp mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
1 tsp chili powder
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
1-2 tbsp milk (optional)

1 fistful rocket
4 pc cherry tomato, sliced
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
Black pepper
Chives, sliced

1. Heat some oil and sauté mushroom until fragrant. Add the onion in and sauté until fragrant. Season with salt, pepper, and add the butter in. Set aside.
2. Lightly beat the eggs and milk.
3. Heat some oil. Make sure the pan is hot, then lower the heat, pour the eggs in, and stir.
4. After it’s half-cooked, add the mushroom filling at the center. Add the mozzarella and parmesan, chopped parsley, pepper, and chili powder. Fold and flip the omelette.
5. For the salad, soak the rocket in ice water. Set aside and mix with cherry tomatoes. Dress with the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and black pepper. Toss well.
6. Serve the Mushroom Omelette with sliced chives and salad as condiments.


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