Obesity Made Me Lose My Vision - Now Look At Me | BRAND NEW ME

Описание к видео Obesity Made Me Lose My Vision - Now Look At Me | BRAND NEW ME

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CHRISTINA Jordan, 40, from Arizona, lost 134lbs naturally after being 271lbs for as long as she could remember. Her obesity made her lose her vision whilst she was carrying her baby down the stairs, causing the child to fall. It made her realise that losing weight “wasn't looking a certain way or weighing a certain magic number, it’s really life or death”. After this incident, she decided to change her life to be healthier for her children. Christina went to nutrition school to try and learn why she couldn’t lose weight after six different doctors couldn’t figure it out. She is now a Master Nutritionist and helps people lose weight by fixing their relationship with food.

Connect with Christina on Social Media:
  / fitbodyweightloss  
  / fitbodyweightloss  
   / fitbodyweightloss  
  / fitbodyweightloss  

Videographer: Andrew Keil
Producers: Nosheen Hussain, Vanessa Nascimento
Editor: Natalia Giorgi

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