Shanghai Yungtay (Hitachi) Traction Elevators at Haibaina Oriental neegeen Hotel in Huidung, China

Описание к видео Shanghai Yungtay (Hitachi) Traction Elevators at Haibaina Oriental neegeen Hotel in Huidung, China

Heavy development in China were started in late 1980s. Shanghai Yungtay was actually joint between Yungtay in Taiwan and Hitachi in Japan in 1993.

Back to the lifts and the hotel. This building was built for the tourism project in Huidung. The lifts are implemented original Hitachi fixtures and that's enough to show that is an joint-venture relationship. The mat in the lifts change everyday and this will tell you what the weekday is (hence why the mat said "Welcome Sunday" when I film this).

Building data:
Name: Haibaina Oriental neegeen Hote
Location: Huidung, Huizhou City, China
Completed: 2011

Elevator data:
Brand: Shanghai Yungtay (Hitachi)
Capacity: 1000 KG / 13 person
Serviced Floors: 1-15
History: Original
Taken date: 16 March 2014 #elevator #lift #aufzug #エレベーター #승강기 #elevador #ascensor


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