CADIMA: An Open Access online tool supporting the reporting and conduct of systematic reviews

Описание к видео CADIMA: An Open Access online tool supporting the reporting and conduct of systematic reviews

Date: March 27, 2018

Due to the complexity of the systematic review/map process and the need for its thorough documentation, the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) identified the need for the establishment of an open-access online tool that facilitates and guides review teams through the evidence synthesis process (CADIMA). Here, the functionality of CADIMA will be demonstrated to the audience in the frame of a webinar by providing a practical example.

Bio: Christian Kohl

After performing my PhD in the area of molecular biology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, I did my Post-Doc at the Julius Kühn-Institut in the course of the EU-funded project GRACE (GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence). Since October 2016, I`m a staff scientist at the Julius Kühn-Institut in the Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology. My duties cover, besides others, 1) the coordination of the legally based activities of the Institute, 2) the promotion of evidence synthesis methods, like systematic reviews and systematic maps, on agricultural questions, 3) their further development considering the demands as set by evidence based decision making processes and 4) the development of online solutions supporting the evidence synthesis process (CADIMA).


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