Medical Revalidation in Public Health England

Описание к видео Medical Revalidation in Public Health England

Professor Anthony Kessel, Responsible Officer for revalidating doctors in PHE, and Dr Imogen Stephens, deputy Responsible Officer, introduce themselves and guide doctors who are connected to PHE for revalidation through the revalidation process to the supporting resources that have been developed.

With nearly 700 appraisees, including public health doctors working in local authority and clinical academic settings across England, work of the PHE revalidation team is challenging. Add to that a growing number of dental public health consultants and non-medical public health specialists, for whom revalidation lies somewhere in the future, and it is clear to see how important it is for the team to facilitate as smooth a process as possible. The team believes that professional appraisal, the cornerstone of revalidation, should be viewed by all doctors as an annual opportunity to review their practice, and their career pathway.

The revalidation team at PHE appreciates that this is a new experience for doctors in public health and medical microbiology.This video will further reassure doctors revalidating through PHE that they are fully supported in their professional appraisal. Many resources have been created to inform and guide doctors through the revalidation process, which ultimately can be a very rewarding one. It is the responsibility of both the individual doctor and PHE as the organisation / designated body for revalidation to ensure that each individual doctor is able to complete their annual appraisal in a timely manner.

For further information that and enquiries, please contact: [email protected]


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