HOW TO to WIN ANY LANE with PYKE SUPPORT | 14.4 Pyke Guide - Builds, Runes and MORE

Описание к видео HOW TO to WIN ANY LANE with PYKE SUPPORT | 14.4 Pyke Guide - Builds, Runes and MORE

A new guide for Pyke, today focusing on the 14.4 patch. In this guide you will learn how to deal with tanks and enchanters, champions with a weak early game, but strong teamfight potential and lategame!


I posted a schedule there, starting Feb 23 I'll try to stream everyday for a week, tune in!

Songs used:
Comedown - ghosty punk, Calinacho;
Immortal - Gridlok, Prolix.

Like, share and sub if you liked it :)

Thanks for watching!
#lol #leagueoflegends #pyke


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