Описание к видео DAY

I been pretty busy but I will open X2 booster packs every single day until the end of the year. 365 booster packs X2 = 730 booster packs for the year of 2025. If you like this style content. Let me know because I really do enjoy open up booster packs and collection in a binder but I love to trade. So if you enjoy it or have helpful tips or any recommendations. Please let me know. I don’t always respond on the spot but I come around. I have been responding to anyone who. Leave a message thus far because I’m not Mr Beast status. lol… So let’s get to it.

We are starting of with shrouded fable! LETS GO!!!

DAY #001 is for January 01, 2025. I’m a bit late but let’s do a few uploads a day to catch up.

#boosterpacks #pokémon #tcg #tcgpokemon


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