Ubisoft just CHANGED Fenrir's Loadout...

Описание к видео Ubisoft just CHANGED Fenrir's Loadout...

The NEW Swedish Operator FENRIR just had his loadout CHANGED in Rainbow Six Siege
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/KudosOnYT?s=09
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►Instagram: https://instagram.com/kudos_yt?igshid...
►Background Music: Rainbow Lounge
Kill Miami, JonyBeats, Rohaan, Kaze Beats, Kyle Evans, Riddle, and WIZE
© Copyright: 2021 Ubisoft Music
℗ Production: 2021 Ubisoft Music
Massive shoutout to the community over at the R6 Wiki https://rainbowsix.fandom.com/wiki/Ra...

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