Huge Lego City Update !!

Описание к видео Huge Lego City Update !!

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   / @bevinsbricksworld  

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I do make a small commision on sales from these links.

For the Best Lego Creations dont forget to subscribe to my channel.

MY Merch shop link.

Link to videos on my new channel Bevins Builds.
   / @bevinsbuilds  

To have an entry for the convention center send builds here:

Bevins Bricks
P.O. Box 510
Tecumseh, MI 49286

Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Also for more content please feel free to view all my other pages.

You can find me on Pinterest at   / bevinsbricks   I also have many pins here saved, which is another way I get a lot of fresh ideas.

I'm on Instagram at   / bevinsbricks  

#bevinsbricks #Lego #legocity


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