Incredible exploding Chinese insect (and human) killer. (with smoke)

Описание к видео Incredible exploding Chinese insect (and human) killer. (with smoke)

It was just a matter of time before something exploded unintentionally, and here it is. A rather bizarre Chinese "Mosquito killer" that uses blue LEDs to attract the very rare species of mosquito that might actually be attracted to blue light (none) and zaps it with a 1.3kV electrified grid powered by the most shonky voltage multiplier I've ever seen. I mean, completely random capacitors like some bizarre high voltage pic 'n' mix of misfortune.
So apart from giving me quite a zap when I innocently poked the grid on the unplugged unit with my test-finger (no trickle discharge at all) the unit went one better, and while I was randomly shorting the live (and directly referenced to the mains) grid with a screwdriver, it made a loud pop and smoke started coming out of it.
I then decided to film it smouldering seductively and it blew up completely. The iPad seems to have missed the magnitude of the actual flash and explosion to a degree. It was awesome.
I might actually buy another of these to see it blow up again.


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