Monster Hunter Now 弓 8 ⭐ Deviljho 恐暴竜 vs. G8.1 Zinogre Bow (guide in description)

Описание к видео Monster Hunter Now 弓 8 ⭐ Deviljho 恐暴竜 vs. G8.1 Zinogre Bow (guide in description)


TL;DR - seriously? just read it.

1. Where to hit: If you are ranged, aim for the head before the green cucumber enrages into a red chili pepper. Once the red belly gets here, hit the belly or the head to deal as much damage as possible. If you keep up the damage, Deviljho will topple and you can go ham anywhere you'd like.

2. Battle flow: it's green when the fight starts. DJ will attack exactly 4 times before it roars and goes into rage mode with a red belly. After it roars, it will use its smoked chipotle pepper breath almost always right away. If you can't perfect evade consistently, roll like your life depends on it - which it does in this case - until you get under it and near the little arms. If you are far from the arms and only under the chin, you will be hit. It ain't fun, trust me. Most attacks in its rage form have huge windups. Take this time to prepare your timing for perfect evade or roll out of the way. You need to punish its every move to topple it as quickly as possible.

3. Roar: Deviljho takes the right foot forward, stamps it down before the roar comes out. I haven't successfully rolled its roars and I have G8.1 jinouga bow, which has a built-in evade skill level 1. I'm not sure if the invincible frames are long enough to roll this roar. If you know or have rolled its roars successfully, please comment and share below.

4. Practice: once you find a 5 star Deviljho, don't kill it and just fight it again and again to learn it's moves and improve your dodges and counters. If you have decent defense (500 or higher), 5 star Jho can't hurt you too badly. You can play with your new green toy for a long time before it wears out.

4. Logistics: don't get discouraged if you can't find the bastard and or can't beat it. The volatile mechanism doesn't seem to work that well. I have a feeling Niantic will have an event that boosts Deviljho rates down the road.

Thats it. May Artemis light your path!


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