Top 10 Tips for Catching Honeybees Swarms

Описание к видео Top 10 Tips for Catching Honeybees Swarms

In this video, Two Doves Bees - shares our Top 10 Tips for catching honeybees.

Spring is just around the corner and it's almost honeybee swarm season. If you are interested in catching swarms of honey bees, or are just interested in how we do it - this video will give you some insight on swarm trapping, bait hives, and some great advice on how to catch those swarms. We share some of the tips and tricks that have allowed us to catch many, many honeybee swarms over the past few years.

We'll talk about swarm traps and what size swarm trap you should use. We'll also discuss how to bait a swarm trap, and what attractants and baits work best. How high up should you put your swarm traps and what direction should you point the entrance to your bait hive? We'll go over all these tips and more.

If interested, you can see a few photos on our new YouTube community tab. Please check it out and comment if you would like.

Products Mentioned in video

Lemongrass oil -
Swarm Commander -
Swarm Trap dial entrance -
Mann Lake Swarm Lure -
16" Bungee Cord -
3 Step - Step Stool -

Swarm Trap that uses frames -
or you can make one DIY (we have other videos on our channel like this one):
   • Our Best Flower Pot Swarm Trap for Ca...  

Here are the Highlights (check out the video for more details)
Top 10 Swarm Trap Tips
00:00 Introduction

0:10 10. Use the right size swarm trap and is weather-tight
1:04 9. Entrance to trap is 1 ½” to 2” square (as in space not shape)
1:42 8. Bait with Lemongrass Oil (or commercial attractant)
2:22 7. Put in a sturdy tree, post, or stand – 8 to 15 feet in height
3:20 6. Be sure the trap is securely attached, yet easy to take down
4:00 5. Face entrance South or Southeast
4:45 4. Used equipment greatly enhances chances (old bee boxes and comb)
5:40 3. Ensure trap is visible to bees, less so for people (don’t hide the trap in deep cover). Bees use landmarks!
5:58 2. Watch for bee resources like water, pollen, gardens, nectar plants, meadows, fields, and apiaries.
7:57 1. Success means future success. Catching a swarm in a location will likely mean future swarms in same place

Be Safe – Have Fun!

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