Legio V Macedonica

Описание к видео Legio V Macedonica

Hello Everyone! Glad to see you all again here at Maddog Radio!
You all know what time it is! A new month means a new legion march! Since Legion Five Macedonica won our informal poll last month, we are very happy and honored to bring you their song!

As always please comment down below, and if you enjoy this video please hit the like button so more people will be able to see this.

March to the rhythm of Rome’s mighty Legio Quinta Macedonica! From the distant lands of Macedon to the furthest reaches of the empire, this anthem celebrates the strength, courage, and undying loyalty of the Fifth Legion. Raise your standards and feel the power of ancient Rome in this epic legion march.

#LegioQuinta #RomanLegion #AncientRome #EpicMarch #RomanEmpire #LegionaryAnthem #RomeEternal #MacedonicaPride #GloryOfRome #EpicMusic #rome



Legio Quinta Macedonica, cum virtute et gratia!
Legio Quinta Macedonica, cum virtute et gratia!
Ducimus cursum!
Ducimus cursum!
Per terras longe et prope!
Per terras longe et prope!
Nostra virtus micat, sicut stella dux!
Nostra virtus micat, sicut stella dux!

A Macedonia ad terras longinquas!
A Macedonia ad terras longinquas!
Progredimur, vide legionis potentiam!
Progredimur, vide legionis potentiam!
Legio Quinta, parata ad pugnandum!
Legio Quinta, parata ad pugnandum!
Nostra virtus ardet, flamma perpetua!
Nostra virtus ardet, flamma perpetua!

In omni litore, nomen nostrum notum est!
In omni litore, nomen nostrum notum est!
Cum scuto et gladio, iter nostrum sculpimus!
Cum scuto et gladio, iter nostrum sculpimus!
Per hostes qui nostram iram sentire audent!
Per hostes qui nostram iram sentire audent!

A Macedonia ad terras longinquas!
A Macedonia ad terras longinquas!
Progredimur, in legionis potentia!
Progredimur, in legionis potentia!
Legio Quinta, parata ad pugnandum!
Legio Quinta, parata ad pugnandum!
Nostra virtus ardet, flamma perpetua!
Nostra virtus ardet, flamma perpetua!

Legio Quinta, cum virtute et gratia!
Legio Quinta, cum virtute et gratia!
Macedonica, ducimus cursum!
Macedonica, ducimus cursum!
Per terras longe et prope!
Per terras longe et prope!
Nostra signa alte tolluntur!
Nostra signa alte tolluntur!

Nemo resistit potentiae Romae!
Nemo resistit potentiae Romae!
Pro gloria Romae pugnamus!
Pro gloria Romae pugnamus!

Legio Quinta, fortis et fidelis!
Legio Quinta, fortis et fidelis!
Honor tuus vivit in omnibus quae facimus!
Honor tuus vivit in omnibus quae facimus!
Dum Roma stabit, superba et libera!
Dum Roma stabit, superba et libera!
Legio Quinta, historiam scribet!


Legio Five Macedonica, with might and grace!
Legio Five Macedonica, with might and grace!
We lead the chase!
We lead the chase!
Across the lands, both near and far!
Across the lands, both near and far!
Our valor shines, like a guiding star!
Our valor shines, like a guiding star!

From Macedon to distant lands!
From Macedon to distant lands!
Forward we go, see the legion’s might!
Forward we go, see the legion’s might!
Legio Five, ready to fight!
Legio Five, ready to fight!
Our courage burns, an endless flame!
Our courage burns, an endless flame!

On every shore, our name is known!
On every shore, our name is known!
With shield and sword, we carve our path!
With shield and sword, we carve our path!
Through foes that dare to feel our wrath!
Through foes that dare to feel our wrath!

From Macedon to distant lands!
From Macedon to distant lands!
Forward we go, in legion’s might!
Forward we go, in legion’s might!
Legio Five, ready to fight!
Legio Five, ready to fight!
Our courage burns, an endless flame!
Our courage burns, an endless flame!

Legio Five, with might and grace!
Legio Five, with might and grace!
Macedonica, we lead the chase!
Macedonica, we lead the chase!
Across the lands, both near and far!
Across the lands, both near and far!
Our standard is raised high!
Our standard is raised high!

None stand in the way of Romes might!
None stand in the way of Romes might!
We fight for the glory that is Rome!
We fight for the glory that is Rome!

Legio Quinta, strong and true!
Legio Quinta, strong and true!
Your honor lives in all we do!
Your honor lives in all we do!
As long as Rome stands proud and free!

As long as Rome stands proud and free!
Legio Five, will write history!


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